who we be:
Alex Bruno Jeff jUnKyMoNkEy Katie Lizzi Morgie Nora nujums park super.KFinn() THE Te$$anator Will zacky Zofia



Well, I know your views on the Patriot Act, but I also know that you have a lot of beliefs that some of us don't have. This site has been boring for a while, and I'm just hoping some opposing ideas will make it more interesting.

PS: That KICK ASS PIC that is now our title should help some too, I think. :)

Hate to disapoint you Zack, but this isnt going to be Republican.

The Patriot Act is unconstitutional in every way, shape, and form. This act goes against the very ideals that the Patriots that founded this great nation strove for; the very ideals that they bled and died for. It is more acceptable to be killed at the hands of a terrorist then to lose one’s liberties. It is better to have died free then to live other wise.

It seems that America is under a new tyrant; a new King George. A king that sees it fit to remove our freedoms in order to “protect” us. This fact has always been true: the only ones that can take away our rights are ourselves.

It has been argued that these are dangerous times that we live in, and that emergency power must be given. This is a fallacy. During dangerous times, our rights become even more important, because how else are we to continue with a normal life? How are we to ensure that the men fighting and dieing for the ideals of liberty can come home to those liberties?

I'm inviting my (very conservative) friend Scott. Hopefully he will make for some more interesting (non-one-sided) conversation.


We need more diverse views on this site, I've tried to get Sebi to join, but for some reason his interent can't handle it...arg.

Kevin, I must say, you rock.


I agree with everyone on this topic. the bush adminstration has done a lot of stupid things and a lot of unconstitutional things.

I got rid of the ads... kinda. they're still there, just hidden. so it's still legal, I think

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